Trails, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan

Costilla County:
Trails, Recreation and Open Space
Master Plan Project

Funded by grants from the National Park Service Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program (RTCA) and by Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO)

Final Trails, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan

Comments, questions, or suggestions? Send us a message at costillacountyco@gmail.com.

Vision Statement

Costilla County envisions a system of trails, recreation resources, and protected lands and water systems that represent the unique natural and cultural heritage of the county to benefit its residents and visitors.

El condado de Costilla imagina un sistema de senderos, recursos recreativos, y tierras protegidas y sistemas de aguas que representan la herencia natural y cultural Ășnica del condado para los beneficios de residentes y visitantes.


Trails: Strive to create a system of trails that enhance outdoor experiences and connect existing cultural and community resources using multi-use trails and walking paths to serve community residents and visitors.

Recreation: Create recreational spaces and opportunities in public areas and/or private lands in order to provide different recreational experiences to promote healthy and active lifestyles.

Open Space: Conserve strategic parcels of land that protect scenic view sheds, unique natural resources, trail corridors, historic structures, agricultural operations, and associated water rights, wildlife habitat, and culturally significant places.